Friday, March 13, 2009

Baby "L"!

I had the pleasure of taking pictures of this darling baby boy a few days ago! He is SOO cute & isn't his mom GORGEOUS?!? It was my first "official" newborn shoot & I was super nervous!! It couldn't have gone better, though & I loved every minute of it!!! Thanks SO much for giving me the opportunity to take these pictures for you! I hope you like them as much as I do!!!


  1. love them!! hey have you thought about getting a "button" for your the one I have on my blog for Stephanie's missionary aprons, or like the Izzy B Blog things we have. I think you should. Let me know if you do and I will post it on my blog. Thanks again for today. We had so much fun with you. You have such a fun personality!!!

  2. These are great!! It makes me want a newborn for you to photograph, on second thought, no it doesn't! Great pictures!!
